Camden Spotlight Award

Well done to Mahfuza Y12, who has won a Camden Spotlight Award after being nominated by her teacher Ms Derrar in the ‘positive role model’ category. Mahfuza was on our head girl team in Y11, always taking her responsibilities very seriously, trying extremely hard to be a good role model for our younger students. She was very involved in many areas whilst part of the head girl team including school council meetings, fundraising, raising awareness of mental health by starting an SOS club, setting up a suggestion box for students’ ideas, writing articles for our weekly newsletter and many more, always with a smile and positive attitude. Mahfuza has always been very polite and helpful with her teachers and staff and made herself available to younger students if they need someone to turn to in their daily school life. On top of all this she has also obtained a Jack Petchey award!
A few words from Mahfuza...
‘My name is Mahfuza and I feel honoured to receive the Camden Spotlight Award.
Firstly I want to thank Camden School for Girls for nominating me for this award and for providing me with the most amazing opportunities and supporting me for the 5 years I have been at this school. Starting secondary school for me was difficult as I felt extremely nervous to enter a completely new environment; nevertheless at Camden school for Girls I have had the opportunity to participate in many different occasions including fundraising for charities/school and taking part in so many communal events.
I want to thank my parents and family for always being there to support me through all my success as well as my difficult times. Growing up my parents were very ill and I have been supporting them with the household and taking care of them which has helped me gain many life skills. My dad being a voluntary worker for the community has also taught me many of the skills that have helped with all my achievements.
In conclusion this award means so much to me and I want to thank Camden Youth Awards for recognising the achievement of young people and working hard to make sure we receive our awards even during these very strange times.’